This is an intriguing adventure which, despite being billed as a 'dungeon crawl' does really have more to it than that! It's also notable because it has been deliberately designed to work equally as well for a single 6th-level paladin or a more conventional party of lower-level characters.
The tale is simple enough, a remote village is puzzled - and terrorised - by a recent change in the behaviour of a local minotaur. Until recently, it's been contented with stealing the odd chicken or taking whatever the villagers leave for it... but now it is raiding frequently and even taking people... young ladies for preference. So naturally the villagers would like someone to come and sort it out. For the single paladin, a message from a village-dwelling relative should be enough to enlist his aid, while it's suggested that the party should meet some scared local children while going about their normal travels.
Either way, the DM is provided with plenty of background as to what is really going on - suffice to say that there's more to this minotaur than meets the eye - and if the character(s) investigating are willing to talk rather than kill everything in sight, they will find that they need to make a few decisions as to who the bad guy really is, and who could use their help.
The adventure is well presented, and unlike the first adventure in this series the font size is much more compact. There's a detailed map of the minotaur's lair, and even a pre-generated 6th-level paladin should you not have one to hand. The content is divided into Events (which happen under certain circumstances) and Locations (mostly in the minotaur's lair and which can be used as the characters visit them), and each has notes indicating how to run that section depending on whether you have a single paladin or a whole party to deal with. In typical 0one Games style, 2 full 'battlemaps' are provided for 2 of the rooms in which a fight is most likely, particularly useful if you use miniatures in your games.
There is also a new Prestige Class, the Mad Alchemist - complete with a wonderful table of alchemical hazards that he may face during his experiments. It's probably better suited for NPCs than characters, although if a character is really fascinated by alchemy he might wish to pursue it.
[4 of 5 Stars!]