A particular delight if you use miniatures in your games, but even if you do not this set of 'room plans' will inspire ideas and make describing locations a treat!
For each room, there are 3 maps - a lush full-colour one, a greyscale version and a line drawing - each designed to print to the correct scale for miniatures use (and with a 5' square grid cunningly melded into the design).
The rooms provided are: -
* Ruined Pool
* Conjurer's study and workroom, complete with hexagram on the floor
* Stairway/hallway
* 'Bridge Room' - a rope and plank bridge across a water-filled room
* Altar of the Spider God - big 2-page spread
* Jail... including one cell with a hole in the wall where the prisoner burrowed out!
* Guard Room
* Magical Well
* Forge
All the maps are very atmospheric and filled with lots of little details. Just looking at them starts spawning ideas about what could be going on there and how they could be woven into an adventure, or if you need a specific type of room you can select the one you want. To be even more useful, there's a checklist at the end showing where every floorplan so far published by 01 Games can be found.
A well-presented accessory, of particular use for those who use miniatures for movement and combat, but not to be disregarded by those who don't!
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]