Launching the Dungeon of Terror series, this product consists of some 35 'dungeon tile' sheets (suitable for use with miniatures, or just to show your players what they have got themselves into)... and this is just the north-east corner of the dungeon complex! You can either buy it piece by piece as the need takes you, or go for the massive Dungeon of Terror Virtual Boxed Set if you decide you want to explore the whole thing.
It starts off, though, with some background notes which you can use, if you like, to set the scene for the entire dungeon. It seems the place was originally the habitat of a single lunatic - but extemely powerful - mage, who may be dead or still somewhere around (possibly in the form of a lich). Anyway, the place has fallen into some disrepair and quite a few other folk have moved in, including a tribe of orcs who live in the part featured here. Or of course, if you just need an underground dwelling for a group of sentient humanoids, you can write your own story as to the history and current occupancy of the place.
Whoever you decide to put there, it is quite a nice complex for an organisation to use as its base. There is a large temple/assembly hall, covering some 9 tiles on its own, as well as a library, kitchen, bedrooms, storage areas and beast kennels (the orcs apparently keep dire wolves, but you can substitute other animals - or use the area as a prison - if preferred).
Of course, being 0one Games, technical presentation is of a high standard, with crisp black maps in vector format (hence they enlarge or reduce without distortion), and the ability to 'rule the dungeon' - a set of options that allow you to choose if you want to display features like text, a hex or square grid, doors and furniture, or even if you'd prefer grey to black fill, or none at all. You can only set it from the master overview map, but as you can click on any tile from there - even print individual tiles without going to them - you can quite easily switch settings as you print to get the desired effects.
A suite of rooms off the temple provides private quarters for the leader of your group, while the far side of the temple leads off to a 4-bed chamber, possibly acolytes' quarters or space for the leaders' servants, beyond which is that useful facility, a well. The temple itself is equipped with a statue of the deity worshipped, a couple of piles of skulls and a few torches. It is approached through a hall of pillars from the one passage leading in to the complex. If you have the full set, this passage leads to the Mad Mage's chambers in the central area of the dungeon, but in this single product, it's just a passage leading off, so you can have it leading to the outside if you prefer.
There is a whole sub-complex devoted to animal care, with a chamber for the beast-master, food storage areas and several cages for the animals themselves. Another part of the complex houses an audience chamber, council chamber and treasure store. There's a second well, too, so nobody should get thirsty here; and there is also a kitchen with ample storage including a wine cellar - indeed the only bodily needs not catered for is a distinct lack of a rest room or washing facilities. Orcs may not bathe, but if you have more civilised occupants they may prefer to be able to keep themselves clean! A nice touch is that even in rooms that might become repitious, such as a whole row of bedrooms, each one is individual both in shape and in the contents (should you use them).
Overall, it is a neat and compact set of living quarters for any organised band - even adventurers might care to consider it as a home (once they've cleaned out whoever was there before them!). It is versatile enough that it can be used stand-alone, or as part of a larger dungeon, as suits your plotline.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]