If you are using the whole Dungeon of Terror and its outline plot, this set of map tiles depicts the heart of the 'mad mage' Infidus's personal quarters. There are ten rooms altogether, but the four big ones will attract curiousity and fair crackle with potential... traps, maybe, for the unwary or something quite unusual and intriguing.
There's a vast combat arena, complete with large statues of sword-wielding bald elves and ghostly images of demons. There's a libary full of books. And more... None of the current denizens of the complex dare come here, not the orcs nor the assassins.
The notes provided give some inkling as to what perils and prizes you may choose to place here, but of course if you have other things in mind it's easy to change them. This is an outline, a framework, upon which you can craft your own adventures rather than a ready-made adventure. You get the floorplan with doors and furniture and other bits and bobs - like the aforementioned statues - but it's up to you what those levers do, if that statue animates or whatever, let alone who or what might be encountered there.
The floorplans are provided as an overview showing where these chambers fit in the overall whole (assuming you want to use it 'as is') and then in separate sheets at appropriate scale for miniatures or tokens. By use of the 'Rule the Dungeon' button you can customise what is printed out - selecting square, hex or no grid and whether or not you want to display furniture or doors, for example. Conveniently, the three largest rooms can be printed out by selecting the correct tiles to have any one of them alone - the arena occupies eight tiles on its own - without getting the rest, if that suits your needs better. Maybe you don't like drawing floorplans (or struggle to scale them up for miniature use), maybe looking them over will spawn ideas for adventure that you can use. Whatever, enjoy!
[4 of 5 Stars!]